Funny Title Goes Here

Lumpen PortraitsInstead of dummy copy, I will write here that we are now in the Eliot Spitzer downfall news cycle. So much buzz. Yesterday was the zenith. Or at least I assume it was. Today I want to know more about the high priced hooker. To me, this is all playing out like something from Law and Order.

What will be the tag line for the Spitzer Downfall? It needs a title or a Seinfeld catagory, because this has strangers talking to each other in Manhattan. Each year there are only one or two events that reach that level of buzz. Today I was in the hardware store looking for some halogen bulbs when I heard the manager answer the phone, “Eliot Spitzer’s office, he can’t come to the phone right now.” All three customers started laughing and shared their opinions as they checked out. It was the manager’s opinion that since his mother-in-law had forgiven him, he didn’t need to resign. I agreed.