Help Is on the Way

I couldn’t stop. I made more. For the last prompt, I added that the artist should be in a studio.

Before I hit the Publish button, I activated the WordPress AI Assistant. Here is what was recommended:


The content provides a personal reflection on the use of AI in generating images and its potential impact on the art world. The author shares their experience using Adobe FireFly and explores the idea of improving upon the generated images. They also make a comparison to the reaction of artists to the arrival of photography and speculate on the future of AI in art creation.


1. Consider adding more specific details about the personal experience with Adobe FireFly and the challenges faced during the image generation process.

2. Expand on the thoughts about improving the generated images and provide more insights into the changes made and the resulting impact.

3. Explore the comparison to the arrival of photography in greater depth by discussing the initial criticisms and resistance faced by photographers and how they overcame them.

4. Elaborate on the concept of AI as a tool in art creation in the future by discussing potential benefits and challenges it may bring to the artistic process.

5. Provide more context and explanation for the images included in the post, especially the ones related to Mount Rushmore and the artist in the studio.

Overall, the content could benefit from further development and expansion of ideas to make it more engaging and informative for the readers.

UPDATE: I did ask Bing. “briefly speculate on how generative artificial intelligence will be used by artists in fifty years.” Below is the result.

In the future, generative artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to revolutionize the field of art in various ways. Here are some speculative possibilities for how artists might use AI in fifty years:

  1. Collaborative Creation: Artists may collaborate with AI systems to co-create artworks, blurring the lines between human and machine creativity. AI could assist in generating ideas, suggesting visual elements, or even dynamically adapting artworks based on audience feedback.
  2. AI-Enhanced Tools: Artists might use advanced AI-powered tools that analyze their style and preferences, providing suggestions or automating repetitive tasks. This could streamline the creative process and open up new possibilities for artistic expression.
  3. Immersive Experiences: AI could be employed to create immersive and interactive art installations. These installations might respond to viewers’ emotions, movements, or even generate unique experiences for each individual, creating a more personalized and engaging art encounter.
  4. AI-Generated Music and Visuals: Artists could use AI to compose music and generate visuals simultaneously, creating a harmonious fusion of audio-visual experiences. AI algorithms might analyze the emotional tone of the music and dynamically generate corresponding visual elements in real-time.
  5. Deep Learning Portraits and Sculptures: AI might be used to create highly detailed and emotionally resonant portraits or sculptures. By analyzing vast amounts of data, including facial expressions, emotions, and life experiences, AI could generate artworks that deeply reflect the essence of the subject.
  6. AI as a Muse: Artists may turn to AI for inspiration, using its ability to analyze vast datasets and propose novel concepts or themes. This could lead to the exploration of unconventional ideas and the development of unique artistic narratives.
  7. Generative Art Galleries: Entire art galleries or exhibitions might be dedicated to AI-generated art. These spaces could showcase the diversity of creative outputs from various AI models, pushing the boundaries of what we consider traditional art.
  8. AI-Enabled Storytelling in Visual Arts: AI could play a role in enhancing storytelling within visual arts. Artists might use AI to create narrative structures, dynamic plot twists, or even generate alternative storylines based on viewer interactions.

It’s important to note that these speculations are based on the current trajectory of AI development, and ethical considerations, societal attitudes, and regulatory frameworks will play crucial roles in shaping how AI is integrated into the art world.