My Art series, begun in 2019, prompted by Vision Loss due to advancing Stargardts Disease.


An Introduction to my latest series; a work-in-progress.

(The first two posts are pinned. Then my blog continues in chronological order.)

Listen (sticky post)

I have been making art seriously since 1970. Whether working in photography, painting, drawings, prints or video, the efforts are always done as a series. Though I was diagnosed with Stargardt’s Disease in the late 1990s, this did not affect my methods for another twenty years. Then, slowly, betrayal. With increasing visual impairment, my approach to making art required change. 

First, my central vision became distorted, then slowly “whited out.” Dr. Tsang, my opthamologist, said it was progressive, but I would never go blind. I would always have peripheral vision. “What about driving? And reading? Drawing?” I asked. He didn’t answer.

Accepting this, in 2017, I stopped doing commercial work to concentrate solely on my art, and began making plans to leave New York City. In the two plus years it took to sell, move, rent, buy, and move in, I stopped painting. I continued writing, but I knew that my next efforts would focus on how to express myself with diminishing visual skills.

INSIGHT 2 cover
INSIGHT 2 cover
Silo Birch Loss
Silo Birch Loss • March 2020 print 30″ x 22″

To that end, in 2019, I began a new series: I call it INSIGHT. I cannot replicate my vision for you (nor do I want to) only convey my experience; that is, my frustration and my vulnerability – but also my joy while finding a method for making meaningful images. My creative journey IS the destination. INSIGHT is my paper trail.

First efforts were prints; a combination of free verse and past paintings or photos. I bound replicas in a softcover volume. Three months later, I republished it with additional explorations. Available here.

Desiring a larger format, a year later I published a limited edition broadsheet INSIGHT 3: LEMONADE.

Nine months later, I followed that with INSIGHT 4: EXPRESS. I have found a direction. These are my strongest images. In the published tabloid, they are accompanied with a running narrative. If INSIGHT 1, 2 and 3 are day trips, EXPRESS is a long term encampment. Available here.

In the Fall o 2022, I began INSIGHT 5. I am calling it HOPE. I write about it in the post EUREKA!

cover INSIGHT 4: Express

My Big VIP Adventure

Listen (sticky post)

M ore than 20 years ago, I was diagnosed with late onset Stargardt Disease. It is a progressive form of macular degeneration where the build up of Vitamin A kills retina cells leading to central vision loss. I cannot read a menu or a book. By comparison my peripheral vision is absolutely amazing.

amsler grid - me
How I see the Amsler Grid

This blog is my journal of how I am adjusting as a VIP (visually impaired person). Adapting to Vision Loss is a bit like going through the stages of grief. Consequently, I have quietly experienced periods of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. as well as sporadic moments of profound philosophical insights into , cribbage, shoveling snow and the human comedy.

A timeline of that path would include: Eight years ago I stopped playing basketball. Six years ago I stopped driving Five years ago ended my commercial graphic design business as my skillsets slowed,. Two years ago I stopped reading print, transitioning to software that converts text-to-speech. Last year, thanks to ZOOM, I hired an assistant to screen share and aid me with intricate computer tasks. Technology Rocks. I ❤️ Voice Over.

As an artist, the impact has been disturbing. but I am determined to not let that defeat me. I am resolved to persist and record this journey. –KBS June 5, 2021