Why? This post serves two purposes.:
1. as my central vision degenerates, I need to develop a least frustrating method for sharing my insights. Trust me, unless you are visually impaired, you are not interested in me explaining further*.
2. Recently I have had several lively conversations on Modernism and Postmodernism where the other party and I could not agree on the scope and meaning of those terms. I want to resolve that. Here goes.

Broadly, the Modern Era philosophically emerges in the late 18th century with the Enlightenment, urbanization and the Industrial Revolution.
It embodies an outlook that affirms Progress, that is, the power of humans to create, improve, and reshape the world with the aid of rational thought, scientific knowledge, and technology.
Optimistically, it promotes new outlooks and methods that will provide the means to overcome historical limitation and expand possibilities. .
This is reflected in the many manifestos written and distributed expressing modern political ideologies and cultural artistic movements. These epistal expressed a hopeful train of thought. Interestingly, these Truths are not dissimilar to the singular paths to salvation expressed in the religious orthodoxies most modernists dismissed as antique.
If Modernism is objective, theoretical and singular, Postmodernism is based on subjectivity., skeptically rejecting a universal worldview
PS That’s it. I’m ready. That’s enough to make my point in conversation before. pivoting to social and artistic “isms.”
*I am exhausted. This took me hours of research, composing and editing,.
Q. What did I learn? Did I make any progress with writing workflow.
A. Some. I am not discouraged.
With my visual limitations, I need text-to-speech for editing. After I compose a sentence, I highlight it and hit my keyboard shortcut to hear what I wrote, listening for errors. Zooming in 800% on my 32 inch monitor, I can make corrections. The result is short paragraphs, hopefully without distracting typos.
That was my method today.
UPDATE 10/17/22
I recently stumbled on two YouTube posts from the channel Then and Now:
Modernity: An Analysis > Excellent
What Makes us Postmodern? > Interesting
I was provoked. So many more strands to consider. I changed my Twitter profile to Unlicensed Artist, Unpublished Poet. Pseudo Sociologist. I’m ready.